Marcey E. Shapiro, MD

Functional Medicine

Book Talks & Teaching

My second book, “Freedom from Anxiety” has been published!  I am so happy to have my ideas out in the world, hopefully stimulating people into new ways of looking health, both personally and as a society. My first book “Transforming the Nature of Health” has been popular at our office, many patients who have read it, have come back to buy extras to give as gifts. I’ve even had some new patients coming in from reading it.  I expect that will happen even more with the many hands-on approaches offered in “Freedom from Anxiety”. Some people have said they feel calmer just looking at the cover! I think it will help a lot of people. I want to thank my staff and my spouse for all their support during the writing and publishing of my books.

Dr. Shapiro talks at conferences, on the radio and other venues.

Archives - links and videos of past talks:
• March 2015 Out of the Fog Karen Hager Interviews Dr. Shapiro on this Empower Radio show.

Listen to the Archive here!

• January 16, 2014 (Thursday) 10 AM PST  To Your Good Health Radio interview

• Dr. Shapiro was on West Coast Live with Sedge Thomson! November 30, 2013. Here is most of Marcey’s interview:

• September 8th 2012 Women of Wellness WOW conference.  Watch talk on You Tube:

• April 14th 2012 Radio Appearance on West Coast Live 10am (at Yoshi’s) Video clip of show

Please contact our office if you are interested in having a Dr. Shapiro as a speaker.